028 | Erica McDermott - Podcast Interview
The woman you are about to meet wears lots of hats. She is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, cheerleading coach, a registered nurse, and a movie star. Yes, a movie star! Erica McDermott has acted in American Hustle, Black Mass, The Fighter, Joy, Manchester-By-The-Sea, Patriot's Day and more, sharing scenes with superstars like Amy Adams, Casey Affleck, Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Johnny Depp, Donnie & Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams. In this episode, we sat down to talk about her childhood, her strong working-class family roots, her determination to get her nursing degree, the family life she cherishes and the joy she has experienced as an actress. #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons candyoterry.com

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