250 | Connie Johnson Hambley: writer, author & renaissance woman
I have always wanted to try something new, to put myself in situations where I was a little breathless, where there’s an itch to scratch, and where I ask myself: can I really succeed at this?
-Connie Johnson Hambley
After struggling with how to describe this week’s guest, I’ve landed on “Renaissance woman” not only because she is an expert in so many fields, but because she is prolific at everything she does. Born and raised on a dairy farm in upstate New York, Connie recalls a childhood where she could step out her back door and roam 400 acres of idyllic farmland. The farm was a family business. Connie’s family grew their own hay and corn for their cows, processing the milk at their own dairy, and delivering it to customers far and wide. But it was also at this dairy farm where Connie’s internal compass was rattled when a disgruntled employee struck a match setting the barn on fire at feeding time. This singular event sparked a lifelong interest in discovering why people do what they do. Says Connie: “ A new mantra came into my life after the fire: bad things happen to good people. And bad people can look wonderful and still do reprehensible things. “ A prolific writer and author, Connie has a law degree, she’s been a fashion model, worked at an ad agency, been the vice president of a bank, and an adjunct professor of finance. But in this interview, we learn that along the way, this two-time winner of the Best English Fiction Literary Award for her crime stories not only has a love affair with words, but a deep desire to hear what isn’t said, mining for gold between the lines. And Connie sets daily goals for herself as an author: “When I’m really into my writing, I park my butt in that chair and I don’t get up until I’ve put down 1000 fresh new words.” The mother of three, Connie is also a world traveler whose love for adventure has been passed on to her grown children. In this latest chapter of her ever-evolving story, Connie is focused on the financial exploitation of elders and is determined to use everything she knows to shine a bright light on the systemic mistreatment of our senior citizens. #author #writer #crime #elderabuse
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