033 | Anne-Marie Aigner - Podcast Interview
The road toward success has not been straight for Anne-Marie Aigner, but then again, she believes that LIFE is not a straight line and the real key to success is simply to never give up. In this episode, we explore the career path of a woman who began as a broadcaster working for CBS in Paris, France and then in New York City and Washington, DC. She loved the excitement of breaking news and chasing stories, but when she became a single mom, Anne-Marie decided to use her writing skills and her connections to create her own PR agency. When it was clear she needed an extra set of hands, Anne-Marie invited her best friend, Janet Prensky to join the company, eventually creating Aigner/Prensky Marketing. Thirty-five years later, her business continues to thrive and now includes Food Truck Festivals of America. The proud daughter of international photojournalist Lucien Aigner, Anne-Marie has spent the last 20 years chronicling, organizing and finding a home at Yale for a body of work that includes over 100,000 photographs taken between 1920's and the 1950's including candid photos taken during World War II of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Winston Churchill, as well as up-close and personal shots of Albert Einstein taken at Princeton University. This daughter, mother, grandmother, PR pro, friend, and philanthropist has lots of wisdom to share about the power of adversity and the value of finding a way around obstacles...even if it takes a while!

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