097|Terry Trespicio - Podcast Interview
A lot of my life didn’t start until I was over 40. If you say “I”m too old” you are looking for an excuse NOT to do what you want. -Terri Trespicio
Meet a woman whose life and career trajectory are living proof that getting gutsy will help you get to where you want to go. Terri Trespicio is an award-winning writer, speaker coach, former Sirius radio host, stand-up comedian and a brand advisor. But wait, there’s more! She is also a Ted Talk superstar with over 5 million views for her unique take on passion, saying: “Passion is not a plan, it’s a feeling. You don’t follow your passion, your passion follows you.” Along the way Terri worked side by side with Martha Stewart as a senior editor for Whole Living Magazine and her TV show revealing: “she’s tough and I admired her for that.” In fact, she credits Martha with teaching her lessons about entrepreneurship that serve her to this day. To meet Terri and spend time with her is to be in the presence of true creative genius, but make no mistake about it: the road has been long, winding, and full of obstacles. A graduate of Boston College with an MFA from Emerson College, Terri spent a full year paralyzed by the fear that she had nothing to offer the world. A true believer in the power of words, Terri believes that “writing is a sacred tool for accessing our stories and our ideas. When you quiet everything else, you can actually hear what that voice has to say to you.” These days, you’ll find her traveling from coast to coast, helping businesses sound like humans and humans sound like people. www.territrespicio.com. Her mother’s words still ring true: “You create a life by living it.” @BWME #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions
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