074|Susan Brady - Podcast Interview
Throughout the course of my career, I’ve had the good fortune of working with incredible women who have overcome hurdles and are willing to talk about it. -Susan Brady
And talk about it, she does. Meet Susan Brady, newly named Managing Director of the Simmons University Institute for Leadership and author of Mastering Your Inner Critic and 7 Other High Hurdles To Advancement. A wife, mother and role model for so many women in Boston and beyond, Susan is one of those people who lights up the room and is willing to share her story with arms wide open. Raised on the little island of Martha’s Vineyard, Susan has spent her career surrounded by great women leaders. Her mission is to share what she knows and to remind us all that “you are enough, you matter, and most of all, you have unique value”. For a master class in leading with purpose and compassion, this episode is for you.

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