249 | Sue Tabb: award-winning broadcaster & 2-time breast cancer survivor
Once you have cancer, it becomes a part of your history, part of the fabric of your journey, part of your story. -Sue Tabb
Welcome back to the story of award-winning broadcaster, columnist, PR & marketing pro, wife, mother, and 2-time breast cancer survivor, Sue Tabb. Recorded on a sunny day in my living room just a few hours after Sue got off the air at Magic 106.7, this interview was so inspiring, we just had to make it available to you in two parts. Raised in Westfield, Massachusetts, Sue was the Valedictorian of her class in a largely Irish Catholic middle-class town. At Smith College, she quickly recognized that she was surrounded by girls who were smarter and more worldly than she was. Believing she had made a big mistake in choosing Smith, Sue called her mother and begged her to come and get her. It was this life-changing conversation with her mother that caused a shift in Sue’s perspective. Says Sue: “My mother said, I’m not coming. You are smart enough. You are good enough and you can do this. You are just gonna have to work a little hard than the other girls. But don’t ever say you’re not good enough.” 25 years into her radio career, Sue Tabb is a much-loved broadcaster who devotes her time to many non-profits including breast cancer charities, as well as the One Wish Project. onewishproject.org. Always ready for the next big challenge, Sue shares her bucket list of hopes and dreams in this interview, her deep love for her own daughters, and her sage advice about what success really means. #breastcancer#radio #broadcasting #smithcollege

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