253 | Sharon Marrama: Co-Founder, Connor’s Kindness Project connorskindnessproject.com
I said to him: This is not going to be Nana’s Kindness Project. This is going to be Connor’s Kindness Project. -Sharon Marrama
If you are looking for an uplifting story this holiday season, look no further. We talk a lot about “mother love” on this show, but what about the love a grandmother has for her grandchild? Meet Sharon Marrama, grandmother of 14-year-old Connor Wright, co-founders of Connor’s Kindness Project www.connorskindnessproject.com. Hatched during the pandemic, the original goal was to deliver COVID Care Packages to children. Within a year, the organization began delivering Kindness Kits to children in hospitals and shelters and today, nearly 5000 Kindness Kits have been delivered to over 20 hospitals and shelters throughout Massachusetts and into New England. Armed with Teen Ambassadors and volunteers, the charity has also created the Kids Kindness Club, where Connor speaks to students about the power of a simple act of kindness. Recently featured in People Magazine and on The Sherri Show, www.sherrishowtv.com Sharon Marrama and her grandson have high hopes of taking their charity national. Running CKP is a family affair with Sharon’s daughter Erica (Connor’s mom) as a part of the leadership team. Raised in a humble home outside of Boston, Sharon was imbued with a strong work ethic from a very young age. As a high school student, she got up every morning at 4:30 AM to make the donuts at one of the original Dunkin Donuts locations. Employed at a dentist’s office for over 30 years, Sharon went back to college at age 50, earning a bachelor's degree with high honors. In addition to her role as Executive Director of Connor’s Kindness Projects, she is a Radiologic Technologist who also teaches radiology at Middlesex Community College. With a heart full of kindness Sharon says: “Life is about taking a tough or vulnerable situation and making it into a positive moment, one act of kindness at a time.” For 20 minutes of inspiration this Thanksgiving or any day of the week, just hit that download button. #kindness #thanksgiving #connorskindnessproject
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