200 | Melissa Gilbo & Amy Pocsik - co-founders of the women’s business league
What makes us different is that we lead with kindness. We lead with relationships first, and the business comes organically and naturally. - Melissa Gilbo & Amy Pocsik
In the spotlight, two moms who were invited by a colleague to meet for coffee. That meeting would change Melissa Gilbo and Amy Pocsik’s lives because as they spoke and compared notes about their business careers, they realized what they lacked: a place at the table, a network of support, a community that would lift them up, and which they in turn could nurture and grow as well. It wasn’t long before they started meeting regularly and in 2018 Co-Founded the Women’s Business League www.womensbusinessleague.com which started out with 5 local chapters and and in just a few years has grown to 45 chapters nationwide. In this interview, the two discuss how they structured the organization based on kindness and connection, managed to inspire their members and grow during the pandemic, and that serving other women sets their hearts on fire. For a dose of keen business smarts and woman-power, hit that download button and please leave us a review. #storybehindhersuccess #womensbusinessleague #wblmembers

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