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Marci Bracken

183 | Marci Bracken Interview

I hope our reader’s breath is taken away as they read the stories in Living Crue. It’s a magazine, but it’s also a movement. - Marci Bracken

Waiting rooms can be boring and they can be magical, because you just never know who you might meet! In the spotlight, a woman who joined forces with woman she met in the waiting room of a karate studio, only to realize that the two had so much synergy, they had to do something about it. Meet the powerhouse co-founder of Waiting Room Media, LLC and the new magazine, Living Crue. Devoted to women’s stories, raw and bold, Living Crue is the kind of magazine you’ll look forward to reading from cover to cover (or in digital format if you prefer). With a firm belief that when we tell our stories, we pass along our wisdom, Marci and co-founder Bridget Snell hope to create a movement with the magazine, envisioning a vibrant community of support for their readers. Subscribe today: and use promo code CANDYO for 20% off your first year subscription. For a conversation about the power of friendship and the gift of creativity, just hit that download button. #livingcruemagazine

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