156| Lyn Burke - Podcast Interview
I do wake up happy. If you stay focused, and positive, nothing can get you down. -Lyn Burke
In the spotlight, a woman who is devoting her career to lighting up the night, and inspiring us all. She is the co-founder and executive director of a local non-profit called LuminArtz which is one of the Northeast’s most influential producers of large scale, light-based art works www.luminartz.org. There is something magical about light installations because they require us to use our own imagination, to open up our hearts and our senses, and experience their beauty as a community. What inspires Lyn to do this work and why does it matter so much to her? The daughter of a politician, she got her start as a lobbyist and also worked in the gaming and lottery industries, but in the middle of her career, a life long love of art lead her back to where her heart belongs: public art. A resident of Gloucester, Massachusetts, which is a historic fishing village and artist colony, Lyn is right where she belongs, bringing light, love and inspiration to her community. #gloucesterma #artinstallations

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