034 | Kate Beeders - Podcast Interview
Kate Beeders is all about success. That's her focus. It is at the heart of her mission to help others succeed. And if you are an entrepreneur, listen up! This exceptional woman has created programs that support the mindset and the unique challenges every entrepreneur must face. She is the author of The Winning Way, winner of the Quillie Award from the National Association of Best Selling Authors. Her latest book is titled Go or Don't Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into your Brilliance. The Founder of Brilliance Builders, Kate refers to herself as The Breakthrough Expert. She maintains that it is actually easier than you think to make money fast. Do we have your attention? Download Kate Beeder's episode now. It just might change your life. #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions

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