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Karen Kaplan

020 | Karen Kaplan - Podcast Interview

This week's success story has to do with climbing the ladder from receptionist to CEO. In the spotlight, Karen Kaplan, Chairman of Hill Holliday, one of the nation's top advertising agencies. She's got the corner office with a view of the Boston skyline, but her career did not happen swiftly. She's had just about every job there is at Hill Holliday and she just kept putting one foot in front of the other. Recognized as one of the most influential women in advertising, Karen oversees Hill Holliday, EP&CO and Trilia Media. Mentored by Jack Connors, one of the three founders of Hill Holliday, Karen values empathy and collaboration, kindness and humility above all else. Her rise to the top was epic and women in her field see her as a role model with a blueprint for success. #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #Candyoterry

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