027 | Jen Maseda - Podcast Interview
In this week's episode, we're shining the spotlight on a passionate entrepreneur who has taken one of those "why didn't I think of that" ideas and turned it into reality. Meet Jen Maseda, creator of "She's Local", a multi-platform, global business that provides inspiration and support to women right in their own hometowns. If you ask this wife and mother of two what drives her, she'll tell you that she's on a quest to provide women with everything they need to dream big and accomplish their goals. With Masters Degrees from Harvard University and Florida Atlantic University in Public Health and Social Behavior, Jen used her energy, talents, connections, and business savvy to launch the sold-out MetroWest Conference for Women in 2017 and is also the host of a local award-winning cable access program called Woman2Woman Today. We sat down to discuss where her passion to empower women comes from, her definition of success and what matters most to her. #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons @candyoterry

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