159| Hilary Porter - Podcast Interview
In my practice, we really peel it back. We get pretty naked with it and we architect a life where you can have greater impact, service to others, and beautiful relationships. - Hilary Porta
Hilary Porta is a success coach, a life architect, a business alchemist and a mindset ninja who lives her life on all cylinders. Whether you listen to this episode on your smartphone, your laptop or on your favorite radio station, today’s guest brings the power of positivity to everything she does and you are going to feel it. She is a bright and shining example of a success story on steroids. Raised in Tennessee, Hilary shares the experience of a childhood trauma that shaped her life for quite some time, leaving her feeling dirty and unworthy saying: “sometimes you have to be broken in order to be used as an instrument.” The work she does for others as a success coach is the result of her own self-discovery about how to tap into her strength through faith and to see life through a different lens. Hilary says: “we get so disconnected sometimes, and that’s when we have to pull back and remember who we really are.” The Founder of R3 International & Principal/CEO of H Porta, Hilary works with high energy, high potential people in just about every field. www.hilaryporta.com. She’s also a contributing writer for more than 35 publications including Forbes and is considered one of the world’s top Success Coaches. A life architect, a Business Alchemist…and a mindset ninja. #thelifearchitect #success

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