236 | Erin DiCarlo: President & Founder of Dovetail Companies
I’ve spent my adulthood working with the Greatest Generation. My average client is 89 years old and they’ve taught me that even if you live 100 years, it is the blink of an eye. -Erin DiCarlo
Erin DiCarlo‘s career path has been inspired not only by her lifelong devotion to her grandparents Nanny and Da, but by the joy she gets from working with the elderly. A wife and mother of four, Erin is the Founder & President of Dovetail Companies which she created to address the vast needs of families dealing with dementia and the overwhelming landscape of elder care. Nominated as a guest on the show by one of her employees, Erin’s long-term goal is to “changethe way we view and support aging in America.” In this interview, she explains that the final stage of aging is called“Legacy Leaving”. Our elders need to be able to share their stories so that their experiences and accomplishments are not forgotten. The women’s liberation movement brought women out of the home and into the workforce, and while this societal shift opened doors for women, it closed doors for their parents who were no longer able to be cared for at home and ended up in nursing homes instead. For an insightful look into ageism and a quick tutorial on how we can understand the deepest needs of our aging loved ones, just hit that download button. #ageism #dementia #eldercare

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