063|Dana Siegal - Podcast Interview
Meet a woman who has taken her skills and talents in the healthcare field and married them to her lifetime love of the arts and the fight against cancer. Dana Siegal is a wife, a mother, an RN, the Director of Patient Safety for CRICO Strategies and the Artistic Director for a non-profit called Voices of Hope. Founded in 2009, Voices of Hope is made up of 200 cast members who have all been impacted by cancer. Together, they sing, and dance, and entertain, all to benefit cancer research. But, as Dana will tell you, Voices of Hope is more than a theatre group, it is a cancer community and her role is to bring out the very best in every person who wants to share their talent. In this inspiring interview, Dana reveals a life story that has included a life-altering MS diagnosis in her 20's and the decision to stay positive and resilient in the face of loss. A source of strength and hope to so many people, Dana Siegal believes that we can find reason and purpose in everything that happens to us. @danaewensiegal @voicesofhopeboston #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions

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