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Christina Knight

222 | Christina Knight: Nurse Practitioner,

If I’m passionate about doing something, I’m not gonna let anybody roadblock me.

- Christina Knight

In the spotlight, a woman who doesn’t understand the word “no” and probably never will. Meet Christina Knight, Nurse Practitioner and co-founder of Dynamic Evolutions in Health & Beauty at Together with business partner Dr. Edgar Ballenas, Christina is introducing patients to personalized medicine and the benefits of eastern and western wellness practices with outstanding results. The daughter of hard-working Greek immigrants, Christina and her siblings came to this country seeking The American Dream. Her father established a little Greek restaurant in Wellesley, just outside of Boston where everything was homemade and his children learned the value of a hard day’s work. In this interview, Christina recalls knowing she would end up in medicine because she wanted to help and heal others. The single mother of three small children, she worked full time while pursuing her undergraduate, nursing, and nurse practitioner degrees. A big believer in alternative medicine, Christina keeps an open mind about new innovations in healthcare from around the world, striving to help her patients understand what their bodies need in order to thrive. “Ifour body is not in balance and our immune system is low and weak, we will get sick.“ At the height of the pandemic, Christina and Dr. Ballinas entered the homes of seriously ill COVID patients offering lifesaving medical care. Many of their patients are children with ADHD and Christina finds herself explaining to frustrated parents that there is a direct link between gut health and brain health and that medication for ADHD may not be the best answer. For a tutorial on innovative ways to stay healthy and strong from a woman who is the definition of determination, just hit that download button. #wellness #adhd #personalizedmedicine #alternativemedicine #easternmedicine

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