099|Christie Lindor - Podcast Interview
When I see something I really want to do, I get obsessed. -Christie Lindor
If you could use a role model in the business world, Christie Lindor may just be the woman to watch. www.christielindor.com. She’s been climbing the ladder as a consultant to blue chip companies like Deloitte, EY and IBM for nearly 20 years and her tireless work ethic is a direct result of her upbringing. Raised in Boston, Christie is a first generation American whose parents came to the United States from Haiti. The oldest of eight children, she says rule #1 in her house was: work hard for what you want. “There was a lot of pressure to succeed, says Christie: You don’t have space to fail.“ A regular Forbes contributor, Christie is also a TEDx speaker and the author of the award-winning book, The MECE Muse: 100+ selected practices, unwritten rules and habits of great consultants. Her latest book Release: Use the Power of Forgiveness to get Unstuck & Thrive in your Career is a nod to the many lessons she has learned along the way. “There’s a lot of baggage women of color carry around with them. I have a choice to lift this cloud and operate as a skill business consultant who just happens to be a black woman.” The proud mother of a brand new baby boy, Christie is a reformed perfectionist, recovering workaholic and political junkie who is excited about the changes Millennials are making in the workplace. She is determined to move the dial on pay equity for women of color and considers career and motherhood “a wait and see work in progress!” @BWME #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions
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