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Candy O'Terry

166| Candy O shares 4 life lessons from the floor

Every once in a while, we have to get thrown down on the floor to see the world from a new perspective. That’s where we come to understand what really matters. That’s where we press the re-set button and learn some of life’s greatest lessons. - Candy O'Terry

I’m recording this episode in bed, flat on my back with a ruptured disc. After a 5 day stay in the hospital, I’m still in a lot of pain, but I didn’t want to miss this time with you. I’ve been thinking long and hard about the life lessons I’ve learned this week, so I came up with 4 life lessons from the floor…and my hope is that they might just help you if you are ever faced with an injury or an illness and you need some guidance, or a virtual hand to hold….maybe even a laugh…or a smile. And please forgive how I sound. One of the many things I’ve learned down here is that you become smaller. Your voice loses its power, you feel diminished, weak, a burden and kind of like a loser. It’s humbling down here, and that is lesson #1 from the floor.

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