100|Alexis & Kimberly Kissam - Podcast Interview
Our stores are named after our grandmother, Isabel Harvey. She gave us lessons in confidence, on how to be strong and to do what your heart is telling you. She taught us to dream big. -Alexis & Kimberly Kissam
When Alexis and Kimberly were growing up, they were blessed to have two strong female role models: their grandmother and their mother. The sudden death of their father placed their mom in a situation where she had to learn how to do things she had never done before, and they watched her become the head of the household with strength and grace. Their grandmother played a major role in their upbringing, teaching the girls valuable lessons in life. After college, Alexis and Kim pursured careers in corporate America, until one fateful day, when Alexis announced: “ I think I want to quit my job and do something else.” Kim jumped in with both feet to join her sister and as they came together around their mother’s kitchen table, an idea was born: to create a store named after their grandmother, filled with beautiful things that sparkle and shine. Established online as www.isabelharvey.com in 2005 with a tiny storefront space on the idyllic island of Nantucket, and a few years later in their hometown of Wellesley, Massachusetts, Isabel Harvey stores have a beachy feel: “we want people to feel like they are walking into a ray of sunshine.” Named to the Boston Globe’s 25 Most Stylish Bostonians list, Alexis and Kim follow their grandmother’s style intuition, ie: “if it feels good, it looks good.” Together they have filled their boutiques with carefully chosen necklaces, earrings, handbags, totes, bracelets and rings, plus cashmere, scarves, ponchos, hats and mittens. As experienced stylists and skilled jewelry consultants, their goal is to guide women to find pieces that make them sparkle and shine in their own, unique way. As entrepreneurs, the sisters have tapped into their own strengths and weaknesses to create a true partnership. In this inspiring interview, Alexis and Kimberly shared: “We’ve had some hard lessons, but we’ve never wanted to throw in the towel. There’s no turning back now.” @BWME #storybehindhersuccess #16LifeLessons #mydoveproductions

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