012 | The Brass Sisters - Podcast Interview
"If you want to be successful, you have to imagine who you want to be and picture it in your mind." These are words of wisdom from Marilynn and Sheila Brass, aka: The Brass Sisters. As the stars of the PBS show The Food Flirts, these two sisters from Winthrop, MA. have collected thousands of recipes, some from their own family and others, written on notecards, found in old cookbooks at yard sales. The cookbook authors believe that recipes tell stories about love, tradition and family and that when you prepare a meal for someone, you give them a gift beyond compare. Find out how Marilynn (76) and Sheila (80) are making foodie headlines with their famous Crazy Shake. Reinvention is their middle name! Marilyn and Sheila are living proof that "you have to have a dream" in order to achieve it. www.thebrasssisters.com
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